Dharma onderwijs



The Samyojana is the Buddha’s teaching about the Ten Fetters.

The teaching of the Ten Fetters can be found in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the three baskets with Buddhist Sutras. In the Abhidhamma this teaching of the Ten Fetters can also be found in slightly different order and wording. The Four Noble Truths, Noble Eightfold Path and Dependant Origination are all found with these early teachings.

boeddha onderwijzen

The lectures that follow are an introduction to the Ten Fetters, which are mental/psychological habits and beliefs that bind us and make us unfree. Ancient masters have freed themselves by seeing and letting go of them. There are various contemporary teachers who emphasise the study of these fetters in their endeavour to wake up to the Truth completely. They can be found online.

It is seeing through the first fetter that makes us enter the stream of Buddhism and allows us to study the other fetters in greater depth.

Lectures on the Samyojana:

Lecture 1:
The first lecture is about clinging to a sense of self and how we make a self out of various elements.

Lecture 2:
Well grounded and still aware we can see the rapid change of our expression.

This talk is about various ways that we use to create a self and to become aware of this.

The self at the receiving end and what to do with hurtful feelings. Looking at the body and why it cannot be a separate entity