Wolk en Water hermitage

Meditation and retreat place in the Sōtō-Zen tradition

Cloud and Water (Japanese: Unsui) means "Buddhist seeker for the truth of our Being"; resident of a temple or walking from monastery to temple, the "unsui" discovers the freedom and connection of clouds and water

The wide view and the silence of the land invite you to let go of all distractions. Thus, we can focus on the desire for an open heart, content with what our life is and offers, and an endless perspective unhindered by judgment and prejudice.

Every week there is an opportunity for meditation and it is possible to participate in a personal or group retreat under the care of the head monk Reverend Hakuun Barnhard.

The hermitage may also offer a Buddhist funeral, memorial service, provide Buddhist blessing for a home or animal, and / or is available for a personal discussion about the spiritual path.